Hi, there lovely readers – a big thank you for following my blog! Oh! And while on the subject of ‘thank you’s’ – let’s talk about how valuable a simple thank-you can be in the world of work (after all, this year’s focus is on lovin’ that career of yours!). To the network friend who interrupted their busy schedule to respond to your question. To your new LinkedIn friend for making the effort to connect with you. To the recruiter who positioned you for an opportunity. To the interviewers who took the time to interview you.

My interviewers?

Yes, your interviewers! Sure you might have shaken hands and thanked the panel on the way out the door, patted yourself on the back for acing the interview and are now settling down to await the verdict – but you’re not done yet!

Would it surprise you to know that most hiring managers pay very close attention to how well (and how rapidly) you write a thank you email after the interview? Yes, that thank you may just synch the deal!

Prove it!

Geraldine had diligently crafted robust, quantified responses to questions she’d likely be asked as she prepared to interview for a Chief Financial Officer role. Our coaching session went well, and as I walked her to the door, she asked, ‘any last-minute tips?‘Don’t forget that follow up note, let me know how it goes and…good luck!’
