
Sunsets and shopping the Santorini way..

So what’s a girl to do on the Isl of Santorini after a slog of shopping other than gaze at glorious Sunsets from her eyrie atop the volcanic ridge? Drop on down and view one from sea level of course. And what better way to do so than via a sleek cataramaran huh? So said half the island! I’m talking wall to wall catamarans, though no two the same, our discerning Aneon Villa hosts Alexandra, George and team selecting the best on which to luxuriate. And that’s exactly what we did. Heck why not, that’s what holidays are for yes?

If your popping said jaunt on your Santorini ‘must do’ list, may I suggest jumping on board the brand new 560 semi-private. A 22 person limit ‘spread yourself all over the decks’ wine in hand fest that most other cats don’t afford. Leisurely swims, snorkeling, drinkies and BBQ feasting while moored along side a red beach, a white one and a batch of hot springs for good measure. Oh! And a sail past Indian rock, Acrotiri and Aspronsi as well as the volcano and the Caldera cliffs of Imerogivli (where our home resides) and Oia, the perfect possie from which to watch that imitable sunset. Disembarking at Ammoudi harbour no mean feat as cat upon cat queue obediently to shed their sunburnt and slightly dazed cargo into the chaotic traffic. Not us for we are whisked away in a private van and dropped right on our doorstep. Too civilised by half.  (Sunset Oia Cruises)

Meanwhile, while Jen’s examining the shops or seeking shelter from the relentless sun, I’m climbing to the top of turrets, running down cobbled steps, dodging donkeys and tourists in my path to snap just one more shot. Just one more. Here’s a few faves:

Next stop…the cruise.

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Santorini – infinity and beyond

Brilliant white villas enhanced with hues of blue and vibrant magenta bougainvillea atop a raw volcanic precipice tumbling into an ocean of the deepest sapphire blue. Santorini. The Greek Islands. You could conclude all that for yourself via Instagram but hey, if your planning on enjoying a vicarious holiday through my blog, gonna have to expect a tad of lyrical waxing.

That infinity pool? Our first day a compulsory relax, cocktail(s) in hand after a speed sleep in Anthens following a manic 140k spin from airport to city via a crazy Greek taxi driver fancying himself a formula one champ. This off the back of a 27 hour flight making for delirious giggling on our part. But I digress, about that pool!

Aenaon villas. A star spot in the Mr & Mrs Smith bible, stunningly simple and elegant, our hosts Alexandra and George and team sensing our every desire and damn they’re good at it. Positioned on the narrowest part of Imerovigli, Santorini, the villas offer the luxury of viewing both sunrise and sunset for which the islands are renowned, the latter from the cool waters of that very pool. And right now? Determining exactly where the ocean intersects with the sky through the shimmering mid summer haze, my new national pastime.

It’s a chaotic island teeming with cruise ship refugees swarming the narrow cobbled lanes lined with the usual jewelry, white linen and vibrant blue souvenirs depicting all things Greek that make up the main thoroughfares of Fira and Oia. The roads cluttered with on shore tourists on quad bikes weaving between buses and wary hire car folk like us. And that brilliant Agean Mediterranean, visible from almost every direction. Our eyrie a welcome respite after a day chanting ‘stay on the right, stay on the right!’

Of course you’re wanting to learn more about the olive tree that changed history. The three wineries where one can saviour ‘the unique volcanic taste and sea aromas’. The natural spring located inside the cave church of Zoodochos Pigi where one can quench one’s thirst after said wine. Nope. Saving that for later. Right now there’s a cataramaran waiting to whisk us away for one of those spectacular sunsets viewed from sea level. And wine! More wine.

Research darling, research!

Swanning around ancient European countries requires a savvy strategy if we are to justify enduring the 24+ hour airline food and movie fest sans sleep marathon don’t you think? Not to mention ensuring a glamorous entrance at our ancient cliff clinging quaintly cobbled village upon arrival. Now if you think getting stuck behind a pig parade is fun, consider trashing your best Louboutin heels par for the course or are still wondering why heavy baggage hefting isn’t yet an Olympian sport, stop reading now. For the rest of us…we need tactics. Big ones. And Google. Just a small amount of research can prevent a big amount of pain. Trust me, been there!

Research darling, research!

You’ve a list of places you’d love to visit while on that fab holiday and you’ve Googled highlights to add to your must see list. Now, seven further items worth the research:

1: Is the hamlet/village/township/city built upon level terrain, clinging cliffside or an ancient fortification perched atop a bloody great mountain?
Two weeks spent toting a heavy suitcase full of endless wardrobe possibilities up and down Italian cliff clinging villages and I was quickly packing excess into boxes homeward bound.

Solution: Pack light! Wanna know how? See: Packing like a sophisticate

2: Is it historic and thus likely paved with cobble stones?
The death knell for those gorgeous heels!

Solution: Thank god ballet flats are considered de rigueur in Europe!

3: Can it be easily accessed if one hasn’t a car?
Damn! Strike those gorgeous little villas in the Tuscan mountains, the lavender fields of Provence and anything else remotely remote off the list.

Solution: Day tours make great substitutes! I took one which started at a winery. Five tastings later and our party had morphed into one hilarious fun fest. For more on that crazy day and a little taste of the Luberon: Wine o’clock somewhere yeah?

4: Are there multiple platform swaps if traveling by train?
Most European trains have steps. The platforms have steps, few  of the smaller train stations have escalators and if there’s a lift, it’s usually broken. Platforms are mostly accessed via subterranean pathways. This means steps my friend. Steps!

Solution: Pack light! Allow plenty of time between connections (Oh! And here’s a story about a time I sat on a set of train steps with a bunch of perfect strangers eating pizza washed down with cheap red wine: You eez on zer wrong train Signora

5: How far is my chosen accommodation from the train/bu20131215-210108s/airport?

Just one baby jumping, phallus whacking,orange throwing, pig celebrating festival street closure and next thing your taxi driver is salivating as both meter and your flight climb heavenward right before your very eyes. (Spain, Greece, Italy, France)

Solution: Research festival and market activity scheduled at the time of your visit. Put Spain on future agenda – baby jumping is a must!

6: How close is the accommodation to the action?
The outskirts may be cheaper but a quick stroll directly through quaint streets into the hamlet heart and soul means a deeper, more culturally enriching experience.

Solution: Negate public transportation costs by choosing digs close to the hub of activity.

7: And if the hotel/villa/apartment isn’t on ground floor, does the building have a lift?
My traveling buddy’s hubby started divorce proceedings in a stairwell somewhere between the 9th and 14th floor of a particularly arduous curvy flight of timber stairs; though it must be said BOTH their bags weighed the equivalent of two dead bodies. The beauty of the actual apartment and a stiff G&T managed to stifle a potential screaming match. Just.

Solution: Need I say? Pack light!

 Logistics sorted? Prepped for a penis whacking? Anxious to avoid a divorce hearing? Keen to pack mega efficiently to make the most of that well earned holiday? You can do it!!


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