Month: June 2019

Top 10 productivity hacks right here…

Hey there lovely readers, how’s your year been thus far? Stupendous? Tremendous? Crazy? Lazy? My first half had us spinning wildly out of control before finally settling into a state of gentle chaos – triggering a determined focus on streamlining productivity and restoring work/life balance (roll-on holidays!). And I bet I’m not alone.

Thing is, after years spent dedicated to finding ways to do more and be more productive, it’s no secret that we’re all now trying to do the opposite and regain precious time for ourselves.

One area I want to simplify is work. You too? Well you’ve come to the right place baby ‘cos I’ve been sleuthing and here’s my top 10 for snatching back precious moments. Hats off to you if you’re already implementing!

Jane’s top 10-time reducing productivity hacks:  

1) Create email templates. If sending similar pitches or responses, creating a basic template for each will save you endless writing and editing. My team love mine so much, they’ve adopted them too.


Hey recruiter, call me!

Hi, there lovely readers. Ever applied for a job that had your name all over it, sent your application then kicked back to wait for the call to interview? Instead, nothing. Nada. Crickets. Confidence starts to slide and soon the motivation to continue your job search morphs into couch slouching, watching dodgy mid-day movies while dust-busting biscuit crumbs off your chest.

Well now! That just won’t do will it? Let’s throw that discouragement to the curb, review the most common reasons recruiters might not be calling you back and take a course correction for better results ok?

First up, the Resume

Your resume is the first critical step to getting you through the door, that’s after the document has managed to make it through the scan bots (more on that later) into the 6-second read pile. So what annoys the recruiter the most?

Format: unusual fonts, tiny font size, colour, pictures, tables, former company symbols, excessive white space, misaligned paragraphs all serve to annoy the recruiter. Keep your resume crisp, clean and no more than two pages.

Grammar: Given 58% of recruiters will dismiss your resume thanks to a spelling error or two this is a critical element. I can’t tell you how many resumes I’ve seen as a personal branding specialist where the owner has listed ‘Attention to detail’ as a strength, yet poor syntax, punctuation, inconsistent tense and spelling errors all negate the statement. Print a copy and have a friend review. Moreover, if you’re concerned about your grammar, you may find ‘Grammarly’ helpful. A great little site that picks up errors provides important alternative words and checks for ease of readability.


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