Month: October 2013

Pink Ribbons in Paris…

A friend, a mum, a gran, a sister, an aunt…so many of us have been affected by cancer in some way, the subject never far from our lips. So too the ever vigilant and determined Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) campaign.

Today I visited the 2013 Estée Lauder Pink Ribbon Photographic award exhibition in the courtyard of the Hotel de Sully – Le Marais. And what a splendid backdrop for such powerful, courageous and poignant works. Here’s a little taste of the winner and finalist entries:



Photographer: Salome Barrot (Jury Special Mention)

Photographers: Jeremie Conte (left) Kira Anglade (right)

Photographers: Bruno Autin (left) Yann Renoard (right)

Photographer: Sophie Loustau

Photographer: Ines Sawaya

Photographer: Adele Parison

Photographer: Loic-Yann Parmentier

Photographer: Emmanuel Brassart (Grand Prix 2013)

Photographer: Peter Honnemann

Photographer: Amandine Strasbach

Photographer: Akane Yamakita

For more, click on this link Pink Ribbon Award – Paris

A note on Evelyn Lauder for those who may not be familiar with her contribution to this campaign: Evelyn died of ovarian cancer in 2011 but not before working tirelessly on the BCA campaign as well as co-creating with Alexandra Penny of SELF magazine the Pink Ribbon, now recognized worldwide as a symbol of breast health. She was also an avid photographer.

For you Moo. xx

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A pint ‘o Cider in London Town…

Negotiated tube and overland trains between Paris and London without once getting lost (thanks to Rupert for detailed instructions at British end) and while there responded to greetings in French and a spot of Italian for good measure, albeit unintentionally.

Could say I’m now officially ‘international’ yes? Nope!

Cousins Rupert and Hortense, tour guide maps and stiff upper lips firmly in place, provided the itinerary while I acted the crazed camera wielding tourist thirsty for the city’s offerings. Bridges, boats, buses, cabs, works of art, statues, Shards, Meridians and Queens – West End Queen and Buckinghuge Palace Queen to be exact – all prey to my overzealous shutterbug enthusiasm. You see, I’ve been to London on numerous occasions, jet-setting toss that I am, but always in transit t20131022-000948.jpgo somewhere else and thus the thrill at finally being shown the town, and by locals.

And just to show how adaptable I am, hoovered back a hearty serve of Bangers ‘n Mash, a batch of good old Fish ‘n Chips too and all washed down with a pint of Cider while my wonderful hosts ate quality British fare, sipped wine and counted down the hours ’till I was safely escorted back to the Eurostar.

Highlights from good ‘ole Blighty?

20131022-001956.jpg– Time with Kent’s family sharing fond memories
– Views from the Shard
– Tate Modern (Paul Klee exhibit)
– Greenwich Fish ‘n Chips (and a waitress who believes in ‘Coddock’, a cross between Cod & haddock)
– West End (Queen Tribute ‘We Will Rock You’)
– St Paul’s Cathedral candle moment
– London’s smallest monument (two tiny mice chewing a knob of cheese)
– An enormous ginger & white puss called Paddy
– My dearly beloved Aunt, Uncle and cousins’ David & Helens respective hospitality – thank you all! X

Oh! And here are a few photos to prove I really was there…

20131022-000637.jpgThe wheel


















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Float my boat…please?

Puffer jacket – check; wooly scarf – check; comfy shoes – check (no not the Homy Peds honey…le tres chic Nao Brazilian sneakers); sunglasses – check. It’s 5 degrees outside and I’m off to do what the Parisians do…take in some rays by wallowing in the garden. However I’m not choosing just any old garden, I’m heading for Les Jardins du Luxenbourg. Here are my fave highlights…cue collective sigh…



Kiddies sailing model boats in the Grand Bassin, the main pond in the centre where ducks interrupt even the best sailing capabilities and parents trample one another in their efforts to ‘help out’.


A bunch of folk deep in concentration playing Petanque. Many had magnets to lift their metal balls to them rather than bending down to pick up (try wording that without inciting a raft of guffaws!), an excellent idea for the diehards.20131015-095509.jpg


Burnt copper, gold and sun bright yellow leaves swirling across crisp manicured lawns and colorful well tended gardens.




Statues, monuments and fountains, many wearing veils of soft green moss, some proudly exposed, others more discreet like the Fontaine de Leda tucked behind the beautiful Fontaine de Medicis.



Green metal chairs draped with folk reading books, newspapers, magazines, slurping from Chinese noodle boxes, sipping coffee, dozing (you can pick up your chair and park it exactly where you want)



Lovers entwined, whispering, kissing. This is where Cosette and Marius (Les Miserables) first met therefore entirely appropriate. Same sex couples swinging their children and all dressed as glamorously as their parents.


A vintage Carousel, humble in comparison to the one under the Tour Eiffel but just as thrilling for the kids were squealing with delight, had just stopped for lunch here. (There’s also a clever little marionette show in the grounds)


A gazebo full of mismatched band members sporting crazy hats and playing wildly random notes in a sort of synchronized chaos with their conductor.

20131015-103011.jpgTwo very sore feet attached to legs that have just traversed the second largest Park in Paris to observe a microcosm of Parisian life against the milieu of the French Senate, housed in the Palace.

Two interesting facts:

Marie de’ Medici (Mother of Louis XIII) of Italian descent had the Luxembourg gardens laid in Italian style having been inspired by the Boboli garden at the Pitti Palace in Florence where she spent her youth. (Thanks Penny)

The park has an extension beyond the gold tipped black wrought iron grill and gates along the centre of rue de l’Observatoire where at the very end is a fantastic statue of four nude women supporting the globe beneath which turtles and fish spout water.


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