Month: October 2013

Zombies Have Rights Too!!

Like there I was just walking along and suddenly whack! Marilyn Manson all covered in blood and bruises is in my face. You deserve those bruises ‘cos your weirdly weird eyes freak me thought I, right before doing a double take into a hapless bystander for behind Marilyn was a grey person with a dangling eye being followed by a bunch of dead surgeons with ridiculous amounts of blood oozing from top to toe festering orifices. And then…like…holy crap! I’m completely surrounded by Zombies! Yes…goddamned Zombies! And ghouls (there is a difference) and everything undead and scary and reminding me of me in the morning mirror post big night out.

As they ambled, 20131014-095846.jpgshuffled and/or dragged themselves and each other along, some waving placards bearing ‘Zombies Have Rights Too’, a van screaming apocalyptic rock followed by a few bored riot control police (who could make for tasty snacks later) hauled up the rear. But you know what? I just couldn’t help grinning right back at them for the Zombies were having an absolute blast!

Hundreds of people participate in the annual Paris Zombie walk (one in Lyon too) and there’s no significant point to it other than giving individuals obsessed with the undead opportunity to roam the streets; albeit in a chaotically controlled manner as they had a specific route (Republique to Place des Vosges in the Marais) but heck, who’d want to run over a Zombie anyway? Too risky.

As I stumbled out the other side of the 400 plus throng, I giggled to myself – imagine if they’d let the Zombies loose last week during the fog exhibit back at the Republique? Pooped panties everywhere…so très unchic!






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Ten cute, curious, clever and ‘what th…’ finds

I confess. I can’t decide which category to put these in: cute, curious, clever or capable? Ten interesting items I’ve stumbled across in Paris…what do you think? 20131010-223217.jpgBaby sunglass and dummy combo – ’nuff said

20131010-223343.jpgCane toad coin purses and necklets – elegant use of a pesky critter’s coat

20131010-223603.jpgChicken wire lace fences – bog standard fence be gone! 20131010-223808.jpgFlams – a skinny tostada that thinks it’s a Pizza that thinks it tastes great and it does

20131010-224725.jpgGrape drape – makes grapes look super lush

20131010-223948.jpgHerb storage tower – love these!

20131010-224058.jpgPig face pies – or is it a teddy?

20131010-224145.jpgRibbon Giraffes – coats made entirely of grosgrain ribbon

20131010-224300.jpgStorm umbrella – need a storm to test

20131010-224350.jpgWing wearing Monkey – well why not?

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Coffee, cats and more Passages

Seven days exploring Paris means regular coffee stops which means I’m ricocheting off walls, or should I say boutiques which means my credit card is moaning, but not as loudly as my feet which means I’ve done some serious legwork, 63k in fact which means I need new shoes. Shame! ‘Cos there are some seriously funky boots out there. But I digress…it’s the Passages I’m here to report on today and I have found another. Well it wasn’t actually lost in the first place, but I was. And in a good way for that’s how I stumbled upon Galerie Vivienne.

Beautifully preserved architecture, delicate mosaics and exquisite detail housing seriously cool, chic and tres expensive shops including Jean-Paul Gaultier’s flagship boutique; Wolff & Descourtis a fabulous fabric store and my little favorite L’Aparte specializing in paper butterfly’s and flowers. As well, Les Caves Legrand believed to be one of the be20131009-183414.jpgst wine shops in town, several lush restaurants and A Priori Thé an elegant little rendezvous for afternoon tea.

Naturally a spot to rest the feet, quench the thirst and observe the scenery; and you know what? It’s often the smallest observations that bring the greatest pleasure. As I sipped my coffee I noticed an elderly woman sitting outside her store discreetly sketching the patrons opposite as they sipped theirs. Her companion, an enormous shaggy cat sprawled across the entire stoop. Both were wearing deeply satisfied smiles. Seems I wasn’t the only ‘observer’ that day. I like that.








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