Month: April 2013

It started here…

Keen to learn a few hints and tips on how to pack and store an entire household’s worth in a single weekend whilst maintaining sanity? Read on…

Context…leasing one’s nest for 6 months requires advertising a month in advance to ensure sufficient time to secure a tenant willing to take up residence upon exit.

Photos associated with advertising must depict exactly what the tenant can expect, thus requiring the removal of personal and precious belongings while maintaining ‘appeal’ for maximum rental return. As well necessitating a savvy strategy and more than a few lessons along the way!

The list started here…March weekend 4

Purchase pl20130415-065625.jpgastic bins: Bargain City did the trick, dragging 10 bins the entire length of a shopping complex didn’t.
Hint – perfect for storing clothing, linen and precious items when living in flood prone regions
Oh! And park at the right end of the shopping complex!

Purchase storage cartons: determined quantity based on guesstimate per room plus 10 more just in case.
Hint – choose a manageable size if sans muscular man and a cardboard weightaccording to amount of expected man handling. Storage co’s will buy back unused boxes.

Box and ship wardrobe cull: dropped boxes to size 8 friend, now busy sorting for ‘Dress for Success’ and other charities in return for first dibs.
Hint – sort into categories for ready drop off to appropriate charities sans willing friend

20130417-071041.jpg• ‘Style’ balcony: popped Saarbi Barbie car’s roof, buckled fresh new palms in, avoided speeding despite rain, hauled ’em upstairs, cleaned up dirt trail, nursed frond poked eye, poured well deserved wine.
Hint – Pop tall plants inclined to topple into a high sided carton for ease of transportation

And that was Saturday! But then there was Sunday…and Monday!



On mini meltdowns…

It was only a very small meltdown, a very minor panic attack, seriously…

As per ‘List upon List’ post, a 6 month sojourn requires a strategy; and leasing one’s nest for the duration an insanity ticket! Well organised and loving a good list or five, I thought this would be a breeze…until my body said otherwise…

If you’re contemplating a short property lease the coming ‘countdown’ posts, complete with20130416-182421.jpghints ‘n tips, will appeal; written as I sip a cuppa, swallow pain killers, clutch my chest and forgive myself for that very public mini meltdown. I also congratulate myself on learning creative sign language, avoiding an ugly moment with an Italian rental botch, cleaning a disgusting BBQ (man’s work!) and managing to squeeze an entire house into a very small storage space, all within 2 weeks.

Curious? Follow my next few  posts and laugh…or cry…along with me.




About that internal dialogue…

Ever found your internal dialogue preempted with ‘If only I had….? A futile lament of course for we make our decisions based purely on the knowledge we have at hand at that point in time. I’ve had many of those internal conversations but one thing’s for sure, I don’t want to be lying on my death bed reciting that exact same lament. Nope! I want to be looking back on a rich, rewarding, satisfying life with every box of my personal mantra…to live, laugh, love, learn and leave a legacy* …well and truly ticked. Having said that, stepping outside of one’s comfort zone often requires huge leaps of faith coupled with a studious effort to ignore the inevitable ‘what if’s’. A six month sabbatical in a foreign country to fulfill a long held dream? Absolutely gargantuan leaps!

At scarily daunting times such as these I draw on a bottomless well of pertinent and at times poignant quotes, collected over the years and selected according to circumstance. My beloved quotes shore up fears, reinforce convictions and often become mantras, an all time favorite being ‘Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore” (Andre Gide) Fitting don’t you think? Let me share a few very special quotes that are driving and reinforcing my current journey as well as an arsenal of additional quotes I absolutely adore and that just may inspire or reinforce your own plans for avoiding those ‘if onlys’. I would love to hear yours too! 20130403-211139.jpg 20130403-211233.jpg

20130403-211442.jpg 20130403-211533.jpg 20130403-211813.jpg * thank you to Stephen Covey for providing the foundations of my mantra way back in 1998, ASTD Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA



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