For those in need of soulfood, inspiration, a good giggle

On Adjusting the Sails…

Ever had one of those emotionally overwhelming weeks where you vacillate between consuming an entire bottle of wine or sobbing down the phone to your Mum? This past week spent sadly farewelling a fallen comrade (post ‘Farewell Mon Capitaine’); reliving the loss of our beloved Telly; battling headaches and flu symptoms; a voice replaced with raspy gasps; a laptop refusing to function…the fountain of positivity positively drained. So what’s a girl to do?

Sup champagne with the Captain’s lovely wife, family and friends in celebration of a life lived to the fullest. Recall the very best of life spent with Telly. Gargle honey, lemon and Aspirin with a chaser of Codral Cold & Flu and make the most of that deep sexy voice. Light a scented candle, luxuriate in a good book. Visit the Apple store and invest in a new baby. Thank beloved laptop for her six years spent reliably and steadfastly documenting and sharing life and love, travels and book, photos and blog. She deserves it. Fountain slowly replenished, sails adjusted. Feeling better now…


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Farewell Mon Capitaine…

A mighty fine man, the man who taught me to sail, passed on to the next life yesterday. Telly there at the pearly gates to greet, Moreton Bay Porridge (rum & milk) in hand, a rum chaser with a whiff of coke for the new arrival. Sailor’s tipple. Essential when plotting a course to embrace the high seas of the next journey. Mono-hull of course, Catamarans mere Yachts with trainer wheels. Trevor at the helm, this mighty fine man wouldn’t have it any other way.

Strong, proud, straight shooting, a man fiercely protective of family, defiant in the face of injustice and able to face entrepreneurial challenges most would balk at with calm panache. I admired, respected and feared him in equal measure, particularly his sailing prowess.

‘Mobile ballast’ duties topside with fellow wives while the boys screamed profanities bow and stern. Boat club counting bruises, soothing sun-burnt knees while the boys relived every sail luff, every tack error with blatant disregard for the technical perfectionism of sailor speak, the Yacht’s stern the blunt end, bow the pointy end to the chagrin of fellow Yachties. Reveling in victory, commiserating losses, supping rum after rum, each crew member imagining himself helmsman with chutzpah that only Trev could pull off. Fear replaced with awe. Leadership at it’s best.

The man’s tutelage prepared us for a Lady Skippers race. The fear of his barked instructions, the ocean’s unpredictability, a tricky jibe maneuver and we won (on handicap) despite ourselves. That day, the fearsome Mon Capitaine (our official nickname) morphed into a proud, gruff teddy-bear. Awe replaced with love and respect. A mighty fine man indeed.

In the years of knowing Trevor, his family and his buddies, I identified five valuable life lessons:

• Never bust something on a yacht, the maintenance equivalent to ripping up $100 bills in the shower.
• When the best laid plans go awry, dust yourself off, learn the lesson, get back on the horse and try something different.
• Love your family and friends unconditionally, they’re kin, they need you, you need them – no matter how irritatingly annoying they might be.
•Ask questions, draw on other people’s subject matter expertise, learn and grow.
• Don’t want to do something? Then don’t. It’s OK to say no.

Oui Mon Capitaine, thank you for sharing so many parts of your life with us. Enjoy the high seas in the next life knowing you’ll be forever in the hearts of those in this one.


On Celebratin’ Summer

A balmy lamb, prawn and snag scented afternoon breeze overlaid with Frangipani, coconut oil and happy raucous voices warbling all the wrong words to an Australian Crawl classic…‘she’s been hanging with the nockiset people…hammer in my head’…Ah! My fellow Aussies, fueled with chilled Pino Grigio and boutique beer and armed with BBQ tongs in full swing, their off key rendition punctuated by orders barked at zinc striped kids splashing in a pool edged with Havianas, beach towels and fluorescent noodles ‘Oi! Git orf ‘er! Stop bombin’ ‘ya sister!’.

At the far side sits a small group sporting Caftans, large sunglasses and floppy hats, their men in collar raised polo shirts, tidy board shorts and deck shoes. They’re sipping Champagne from plastic flutes and nibbling mature cheeses, fresh figs and prosciutto with bemused expressions…‘Rearrlly darling, whose guests arrrre they do you think?’ Soon after, factor 50 slathered, sandals and beach balls added to the cluster of poolside detritus, they too enter the fray.

Someone starts singing ‘It’s a long way…to the shop if you want a sausage roll’…my mates join in with a giggle and collectively we all succeed in trashing a perfectly good AC/DC song while gradually slipping into the cool blue waters between our fellow countrymen.

Feels like Australia Day? A pool. A BBQ. An Esky. In some back yards, a cricket bat too. Sharing balmy summer days under impossibly blue skies with family and friends, neighbors and blow-ins is what summer’s all about; and we don’t need an official ‘day’ to celebrate our fine country ‘Gert by Sea’ and all who populate her regardless of nationality or country of origin now do we?

Except to celebrate Australia’s best with the Aussie Day awards, Sam Kirkovich’s raspy ‘Eat Lamb!’ ads, Story Bridge Pub Cockroach racing championships, meat pies, yellow and green and all things vaguely iconic that is.

As our fellow humans shiver, shovel or sand bag for their lives in northern parts, I’m making the the most of the last of our sunny days while I can. Are you? Whether basking by pools, catching river breezes, picnicking in the mountains or pitching a ball across a dry dusty lawn, I don’t plan on taking summer for granted anymore. And you know what? By the next one I may even remember the right words to Australian Crawl…‘She’s been hangin’ with the nicest people…’ummm…


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