A celebration of individuality…

Strangers. New York strangers to be exact. Their stories and portraiture both heartfelt and moving. A celebration of individuality, a window on the world…I was curious for more. Friends, thrilled to be owners of the then newly released, now best selling Humans of New York  ignited this thirst and soon I was stalking Brandon Stanton as he continued collecting portraits from New York and now over 20 additional countries including Iran, Iraq and Pakistan.

A window on the world…

tumblr_mah6wc8a6R1qfiubfBrandon set out to photograph 10,000 New Yorkers back in 2010. Along the way he started collecting short stories and little quotes from the people he met to add to their portraits.

Beautiful, funny, poignant, fascinating…Brandon shared the stories and images on his blog Humans of New York and, being the blog hunter and gatherer that I am, just had to join the 8 million plus followers. The concept has since inspired similar blogs around the world and I’m simply brimming with voyeuristic joy.

A droplet in an ocean of humanity…

